the methods

CultureCatch designs a tailored solution to each assignment, together with the client. A combination of needs analysis, inspiring lectures, interactive team workshops, coaching, profile mapping and various tools will give each project a unique design - always providing solutions to your precise needs. 

The descriptions below may tell you a bit more: 


individual and team profiles

Using the CultureActive diagnostic tool, we map your default cultural preferences and values as a springboard for further training or coaching. Your self-assessment will equip you with an overview of your own cultural capital, allowing you to compare and match yourself to your team, colleagues or any national culture from our database. It also grants you access to an exciting and business-relevant pool of country specific information. 

workshops and training programs

Immersive sessions (1-3 days) grow a richer and deeper understanding of the role culture plays in business life and focus in depth on your chosen topics - be it leadership, communication, negotiations, meetings, conflict management or other. You obtain a greater awareness as well as a practical toolbox of knowledge and responses, ready to successfully deal with your chosen target cultures or topics.  


360 Management team profile and action plan

Based on the CultureActive profiles, management teams (of max.10) may add on with a team exercise, rating a selection of the assessment topics on each other. The facilitated feedback session provides great insights, clarifications and increased team efficiency among the management team members and is recommended as a very fruitful development step.


Cross-cultural dialogue mats




The dialogue mat is the perfect interactive, inspirational tool for multicultural team building and learning. It deals with the 6 most risky areas of potential failure in cross-cultural collaboration, and the teams - ideally a mix of cultures - discuss exercises, solve tasks and are coached for how to prepare for successful outcomes of the given cases. The mats are ideal to integrate in any meeting or training. 

Keynote presentations 

Inviting CultureCatch as a guest presenter to your meeting or conference offers an engaging and entertaining way to establish the importance of cultural agility. The headline "Pains and Pleasures of Diversity" usually fits!

Coaching and counselling

CultureCatch offers coaching, cultural mentoring and guidance for senior executives, leaders of multicultural teams, expatriates and team members,  individually or in small teams.